03 Apr One pot pasta – THE NEW TREND
Posted at 13:01h
in Cooking tips

The one pot pasta trend makes the buzz!
This is an american invention.
The principle is simple and fast: We put everything in a large saucepan, add water and cook, all the ingredients together, for 20 or 30 min.
The 5 golden rules to succeed
The right pasta
Short or long RANDA pasta: It is all about having the right pan in which the whole pasta can go.
The right vegetables
It is best to use ingredients that require the same cooking time as the pasta you choose.
Tips: cut your vegetables so they cook faster!
The right dosage :
It is important to adjust the volume of water as much as possible so that there is enough to cook the pasta. For that, before starting the cooking, make sure to cover the ingredients well with the water. If necessary, add water during cooking.
The right temperature :
The ingredients must be cooked at low temperature.